Use "decelerate|decelerated|decelerates|decelerating" in a sentence

1. ● Accelerates or decelerates rapidly

2. The car accelerates or decelerates accordingly.

3. Growth decelerated to 6.5 per cent last year.

4. Industrial development decelerated in the following years .

5. Do not let him decelerate, Mike.

6. 13 Inflation has decelerated remarkably over the past two years.

7. And then it decelerates because there's very few people who don't have it.

8. And then, once you get to this point, right here, you start decelerating.

9. The government has made every to decelerate inflation.

10. Look, I could swing around that neutron star to decelerate.

11. And, when he decelerated to his first stop, it was negative.

12. The government has made every effort to decelerate inflation.

13. Our flight continued to decelerate to about 70 knots.

14. The health of your brain also decelerates innovation, or it accelerates it.

15. Witness, for example, the active debate about whether technological progress is accelerating or decelerating.

16. The import will decelerate will cause the trade surplus expansion quickly.

17. The Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR) decelerated and stored Antiprotons for experiments

18. Bremsstrahlung is the radiation (X-rays) produced when a charged particle (electron) decelerates

19. This year and next year, American, British and Eurozone's economic growth will decelerate obviously.

20. For example, a train decelerates approaching a station and eventually comes to rest alongside the platform.

21. He shifted into low gear. The two vehicles began to decelerate.

22. How can decelerate cancer cell excuse me diffuse! Be urgent!

23. 3 Between the bow shock and the magnetopause the solar wind is greatly decelerated.

24. Actual portals where matter interfaces with time... at a relatively decelerated or accelerated rate.

25. Many advanced countries are attempting to revive sustainable growth in the face of a decelerating global economy.

26. The traffic flow is determined either by subjective observation (accelerated, decelerated or fluid) or by measurement.

27. Therefore, Braking resistors are preferred over friction brakes to decelerate motors

28. Computations have been carried out for accelerating, decelerating and oscillatory free stream velocity distributions.

29. Well, all we have to figure out is how fast is the train decelerating?

30. The effects arising from the accelerated and decelerated motion of a point charge inside a medium are studied.

31. But as riders accelerate and decelerate, they experience more or less gravitational force.

32. To modern women depend on a cosmetics to decelerate aging progress is absurd.

33. " Be alert for slow downs , and decelerate by coasting whenever possible , " he said .

34. Agility is the ability to rapidly change body direction, accelerate, or decelerate

35. Addition of diphenylamine, a known chain inhibitor, decelerated the thermal decomposition, supporting a radical chain reaction.

36. Flood and ebb accelerating currents had higher mean velocities than the decelerating counterparts at spring tide.

37. DC injection Braking is an efficient and effective way to rapidly decelerate a high inertia load

38. This mechanism includes dynamical decelerate device , oriented screw device and clasp dial wheel device.

39. Aerobrake definition is - to decelerate (a spacecraft) by passage through a planetary atmosphere

40. Further loads arise from torsional vibration, as the rotary movement of the Crankshaft is constantly being abruptly accelerated and decelerated

41. Economic activity decelerated to around 1.3% in 2001 as a result of the continuing effects of adverse economic shocks.

42. A heavier object takes a greater force and a longer time to accelerate and decelerate.

43. 25 He believed that the investment in real estates is decelerating unceasingly should arouse the interest especially.

44. As the body uncoils each segment should stop ( decelerate ) as the next body segment accelerates.

45. At that time, the contention of machine market had entered decelerate to turn white - hot.

46. Also, further government tightening could decelerate the current outflow of bank liquidity into equity markets.

47. The market share gains of Latvia’s exports are decelerating but are still substantial in accumulated terms.

48. Fall after a rise of finance income amplitude, monetary credit is added fast continue to decelerate.

49. I have an aggravating whine coming from my gearbox every time I decelerate in fourth gear.

50. A third baseman running toward the line must eventually decelerate forces that are not vertical.

51. The gear case integrated with decelerate and drive function, has reliable performance and long life.

52. It can decelerate decrepitude, brighten skin, fade mark and make skin white, tender and healthy.

53. Funny that the Clunking only happened when maintaining speed or accelerating and on decelerating it would disappear

54. Then, with a single powerful engine burn, the spacecraft can decelerate to a soft landing on the lunar surface.

55. However, absorption appears to be remarkably decelerated, while a retardation of drug liberation is also to be taken into account.

56. The first acronym that Jason mentioned was Ands: Accelerate North Decelerate South In other words and […]

57. The species may be selected in one embodiment to either accelerate or decelerate the CMP process.

58. Wheel control apparatus capable of decelerating or braking wheels based on variations in the slope of a road

59. parameter, it will accelerate or decelerate the lokal clock until it's correct, in order to avoid time steps.

60. Our growth rate has decelerated to 6.7 percent in 2008-09 and will remain at around 6.5 percent in the current fiscal year.

61. Although badminton holds the record for the fastest initial speed of a racquet sports projectile, the shuttlecock decelerates substantially faster than other projectiles such as tennis balls.

62. BC: From this point, we're going to decelerate from 12,500 miles an hour down to 900 miles an hour.

63. Inflation has decelerated over the past three years and we hope to contain it below 5% through a judicious mix of policy measures.

64. Otherwise, it is much easier to decelerate towards impact – a critical flaw – if the backswing is very rapid than it is for slow Backswings

65. Nestled in the historic West Village neighborhood, Artemis is a refuge of calm that invites you to decelerate and explore

66. This means that whenever the load is being accelerated or decelerated, a proportional amount of force is commanded from the actuator regardless of the feedback value.

67. This design I adopted the triangle tape to spread to move , and the cylinder wheel gear decelerate the machine and subulate wheel gear to spread to move.

68. So we have to be able to decelerate the plane from about 100 kilometers an hour to zero in half of a second.

69. 27 An underpowered helicopter will rapidly decelerate as soon as you apply any control input and the model will come to a dead stop-probably inverted.

70. A 20-year round trip for him (5 years accelerating, 5 decelerating, twice each) will land him back on Earth having travelled for 335 Earth years and a distance of 331 light years.

71. After deploying a parachute to make it decelerate and then descending to an altitude of about 320 feet [98 m], it fired rockets to slow itself even further.

72. In this paper, a kind of design program about spacecraft's recovery-parachute system is introduced, recovery control project and decelerate project are showed particularly.

73. Faulty universal joints can also be mistaken as a Clunking transmission because they will cause the drivetrain to make Clunking noises when accelerating and decelerating

74. Several surgical procedures have been performed, either to decelerate intestinal transit or to increase the area of intestinal absorption with overall unsatisfactory results.

75. The results show that using the method of GPS, through level accelerate flight and level decelerate flight, we can get the shock and position error curves fully.

76. Growth of remittances has been robust in all regions of the world, except for Latin America and the Caribbean, where growth decelerated due to economic weakness in the United States.

77. At the time of the launch of the ACP in 2008, productivity growth was decelerating and there was a decline in real expenditures in agricultural research and extension.

78. These changes alternately accelerate and decelerate the electrons of the beam passing through the grids. The area beyond the buncher grids is called the „drift space”.

79. BC: In the first 15 seconds after we deploy the parachute, we'll decelerate from 900 miles an hour to a relatively slow 250 miles an hour.

80. Within the Accelerator tube are smaller diameter metallic drift tubes, which are carefully sized and spaced to shield the protons from decelerating oscillations of the electric field.